Magic Mart Corporate Office and Headquarters address

Magic Mart
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Recently updated on December 13th, 2019 at 09:08 am

Magic Mart Corporate Office and Headquarters address

Magic Mart has been a series of department/discount shops headquartered in Bluefield, Virginia. The series was possessed by Ammar’s Inc., a personal family-owned firm.

Magic Mart had shops in Eastern Kentucky, Southwest Virginia, Western and Central North Carolina and western and southern West Virginia.

Magic Mart was set by the Ammar household in West Virginia in 1920. Initially called Ammar Brother’s Department Stores, the business opened its first Magic Mart place in 1967.

Magic Mart sells a huge array of items from clothes to carpentry products, tuxedo rentals to paint, automotive products to sporting goods. Since Magic Mart became successful, the Ammar Brother’s shops closed or were transformed to Magic Marts.

Magic Mart Headquarters Corporate Address

Ammar’s Inc.
710 South College Avenue
Bluefield, Virginia 24605

Magic Mart Corporate Office Address

Ammar’s Inc.
710 South College Avenue
Bluefield, Virginia 24605

You can address any correspondence to the Magic Mart headquarters to:

Magic Mart Headquarters Phone Number

The Magic Mart corporate office phone number :  (276) 322-4686

For customer services, you can call: (276) 322-4686.

Magic Mart Corporate office email

Phone Number: +1 276-322-4686
Fax Number: 606-432-5398
Number of Employees: N/A
Established: 1920
Founder: Ammar family
Key People: K. A. Ammar III

Magic Mart Customer service

Magic Mart customer service number: (276) 322-4686

How to contact or complain to Magic Mart Corporate?

Magic Mart Customer Service team is available on (276) 322-4686. Lines are open 7 days a week from 24 hours So you can submit your complaint easily.

Executive Team.

Here is the list of Magic Mart Executive Team and Board of Director.

  • CEO: K. A. Ammar III
  • CFO: Edward Christensen
  • COO: Steve Hess

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Also Read: AirTran Corporate Office and Headquarters address

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