EZ Pass New York Corporate Office Headquarters

EZ Pass New York
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Jack

Hi I live in New Jersey and every time I pass the EZ pass - shows that I paid, and I suddenly I started receiving all sort of letters charging me $50 for 8 different tickets. Is anybody know any kind law or how I can just pay the toll price without paying this ridiculous fine, or before they ruin my credit or cancel my registration?

 by Andy

Their new system sucks, I have to constantly check my account because I get charged all the time because either their scanners dont read my tag, which is new by the way, or if you get off the thruway to go somewhere and then get back on and continue to go the way you were prior, it thinks you never got off and charges you the whole distance even though you got off. They should have never left scanners on the thruway, they should have had them at the exits like when you went thru the toll booths

 by Glenn

I’m still waiting for the 80 dollars I had in my account. My money and they sent refund to a closed account knowing to send a check. Now claiming I have to wait another month.

 by richard

they suck there is nocustomer service. call n call get disconected everytime.

Contact EZ Pass New York customer service phone numbers

Recently updated on December 25th, 2023 at 04:56 am

E-ZPass New York Headquarters Address and Contact

Below is the headquarters address of E-ZPass New York corporate office:

19-02 Whitestone Expy #101, Queens, NY 11357, United States

Phone Number: +1 (800) 333-8655

Fax Number: +1 (718) 390-9772



E-ZPass New York Headquarters Location & Directions

How to contact E-ZPass New York Corporate Office

E-ZPass New York Customer Service team is available on +1 (800) 333-8655. Lines are open Monday through Friday: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturdays: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. So you can submit your complaint easily.

Executive Team

Here is the list of E-ZPass New York Executive Team and Board of Director:

  • John F. Barr
  • Mark A. Hixson, P.E.
  • Matthew A. Howard
  • Richard Lee, P.E.
  • Harry A. Lennon
  • Kim McKinney


E‑ZPass is an electronic toll collection system used on most tolled roads, bridges, and tunnels in the Midwestern and Northeastern United States, as far south as North Carolina and as far west as Illinois. The E-ZPass Interagency Group (IAG) consists of 38 member agencies in operation within 16 states, which use the same technology and allow travelers to use the same transponder on toll roads throughout the network. Negotiations are ongoing for nation-wide interoperatibility in the United States. The details of EZ Pass New York corporate office and headquarters address will help you to know more about EZ Pass New York service.

E-ZPass New York Corporate Office Photos

e-zpass-new-york-headquarters    e-zpass-new-york-headquarters-2

img Credit: Foursquare                            img Credit: Lohud

People Also Ask

Q: Where is E-ZPass New York corporate office located?

A: E-ZPass New York corporate office is located at 19-02 Whitestone Expy #101, Queens, NY 11357, United States.

Q: How do I Contact E-ZPass New York corporate office by phone Number?

A: E-ZPass New York corporate office Contact Number is +1 (800) 333-8655.

Q: E-ZPass New York Customer service number?

A: E-ZPass New York Customer service number is +1 (800) 333-8655.

Q: When E-ZPass New York Founded In?

A: E-ZPass New York Founded In 1993.

Got some questions? Or some suggestions about E-ZPass New York Customer Service? That’s why we’ve got a comments section on this blog! You can feel free to leave a comment or two down below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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EZ Pass New York
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Jack

Hi I live in New Jersey and every time I pass the EZ pass - shows that I paid, and I suddenly I started receiving all sort of letters charging me $50 for 8 different tickets. Is anybody know any kind law or how I can just pay the toll price without paying this ridiculous fine, or before they ruin my credit or cancel my registration?

 by Andy

Their new system sucks, I have to constantly check my account because I get charged all the time because either their scanners dont read my tag, which is new by the way, or if you get off the thruway to go somewhere and then get back on and continue to go the way you were prior, it thinks you never got off and charges you the whole distance even though you got off. They should have never left scanners on the thruway, they should have had them at the exits like when you went thru the toll booths

 by Glenn

I’m still waiting for the 80 dollars I had in my account. My money and they sent refund to a closed account knowing to send a check. Now claiming I have to wait another month.

 by richard

they suck there is nocustomer service. call n call get disconected everytime.

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